Hinduism Today Apr-May-Jun 2020


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Money is a powerful force in the world and worthy of deep thought and discussion. In this issue we explore Dharmic Investing in detail. First, we ask the question “Does anyone make money investing ethically?” then move on to show just what is happening in the “money used for good” world. We also invite savvy millennials to speak of their concerns, which are different from those of previous generations. We offer choices to investors seeking to sleep well at night, and unpack the Beyond Burger movement.

Our publisher, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, offers ways that we can integrate our spiritual ambitions with the more mundane chores of the day. He proposes that we don’t have to make a radical division between the two, then gives us ways to resolve karmas, do inner yogas and build our character in the midst of outer life and its demands.

The Hindus of America have continued to grow in prominence, and for the first time their history and influence were showcased at the THREADS conference in Boston. Our writer flew there to report on the event. We present a summary of the nine panels and what they mean for Hinduism’s future.

This issue’s 16-age educational section is about the lives and teachings of seven North Indian bhakti saints. Writer Lakshmi Subramanian focuses on their lives, languages and history-altering works. These great souls, living 400-700 years ago, are responsible for the survival of Hinduism during times of invasion and forced conversion. Their love of God was almost equaled by their poetic inspirations, which are excerpted to give a sense of why they were so influential. Baani Sekhon of India painted seven original canvases to capture their spirit.

Journey with us to the famed Pashupatinath Siva Temple of Nepal, built in the first century and supported by Nepal’s kings for 2,000 years. The history is summarized, but more interestingly the modern practices and festivals are revealed. Photographer Thomas Kelly captures the elaborate facility and the sadhus and devotees in trenchant images. Amazingly, the entryway to the temple passes 18 cremation pyres, and each day pilgrims entering are reminded of the transience of life.

Among Malaysia’s strong Hindu communities are the Melaka Chetti clan, who are thriving there many centuries after their arrival from India. They rank with the oldest Hindu communities in Southeast Asia. One of their signature features is a strong sense of the past and committed honoring of ancestors. Their successes and challenges are all brought forward by journalist Kamalavali Nagappan.

Swami Avdeshanand Giri gives a Minister’s Message on the importance of knowing the Self within, for both liberation and success in the temporal world. To embark on the search for truth, he says, one must commit deeply to sadhana and the development of spiritual knowledge and character.

“Ancient Philosophy, Modern Mind” is the name of Shivali Bhammer’s opinion piece. She is a modern London-based writer who has woven together traditional knowledge with the nearly endless stream of information that threatens to flood the mind today. Her insights will guide us all to a better balance.

There is more, of course, including the popular Quotes & Quips section with humor, cartoons and pithy sayings, Global Dharma with mini-stories from around the world, and Digital Dharma, which tells the story of how QR codes have been incorporated in the pillars of a Minnesota temple to educate visitors. It’s a rich issue, with something for everyone.

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Money is a powerful force in the world and worthy of deep thought and discussion. In this issue we explore Dharmic Investing in detail. First, we ask the question “Does anyone make money investing ethically?” then move on to show just what is happening in the “money used for good” world. We also invite savvy millennials to speak of their concerns, which are different from those of previous generations. We offer choices to investors seeking to sleep well at night, and unpack the Beyond Burger movement.

Our publisher, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, offers ways that we can integrate our spiritual ambitions with the more mundane chores of the day. He proposes that we don’t have to make a radical division between the two, then gives us ways to resolve karmas, do inner yogas and build our character in the midst of outer life and its demands.

The Hindus of America have continued to grow in prominence, and for the first time their history and influence were showcased at the THREADS conference in Boston. Our writer flew there to report on the event. We present a summary of the nine panels and what they mean for Hinduism’s future.

This issue’s 16-age educational section is about the lives and teachings of seven North Indian bhakti saints. Writer Lakshmi Subramanian focuses on their lives, languages and history-altering works. These great souls, living 400-700 years ago, are responsible for the survival of Hinduism during times of invasion and forced conversion. Their love of God was almost equaled by their poetic inspirations, which are excerpted to give a sense of why they were so influential. Baani Sekhon of India painted seven original canvases to capture their spirit.

Journey with us to the famed Pashupatinath Siva Temple of Nepal, built in the first century and supported by Nepal’s kings for 2,000 years. The history is summarized, but more interestingly the modern practices and festivals are revealed. Photographer Thomas Kelly captures the elaborate facility and the sadhus and devotees in trenchant images. Amazingly, the entryway to the temple passes 18 cremation pyres, and each day pilgrims entering are reminded of the transience of life.

Among Malaysia’s strong Hindu communities are the Melaka Chetti clan, who are thriving there many centuries after their arrival from India. They rank with the oldest Hindu communities in Southeast Asia. One of their signature features is a strong sense of the past and committed honoring of ancestors. Their successes and challenges are all brought forward by journalist Kamalavali Nagappan.

Swami Avdeshanand Giri gives a Minister’s Message on the importance of knowing the Self within, for both liberation and success in the temporal world. To embark on the search for truth, he says, one must commit deeply to sadhana and the development of spiritual knowledge and character.

“Ancient Philosophy, Modern Mind” is the name of Shivali Bhammer’s opinion piece. She is a modern London-based writer who has woven together traditional knowledge with the nearly endless stream of information that threatens to flood the mind today. Her insights will guide us all to a better balance.

There is more, of course, including the popular Quotes & Quips section with humor, cartoons and pithy sayings, Global Dharma with mini-stories from around the world, and Digital Dharma, which tells the story of how QR codes have been incorporated in the pillars of a Minnesota temple to educate visitors. It’s a rich issue, with something for everyone.

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