Hinduism Today Apr-May-Jun 2021


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Youth are the future, so our intrepid journalist Nikki Thapa tracked down Nepal’s 20-somethings and grilled them about their views on life, religion and culture. Their responses are revealing—and, dare we say, a bit promising.

Covid-19 is on the minds of every household in every nation on Earth. We asked our writer in Colorado to survey the ways Hindu groups in America are responding. He writes of the extensive volunteerism that is manifesting as Hindu reach-out to the needy in communities around the nation.

Food—who doesn’t love it? Who can live without it? In this issue we share a poetic survey of rice, its history and amazing diversity, and we go into Lakshmi Sridharan’s kitchen to discover the wonders of coriander, that versatile spice that adds taste and health to any menu.

Temple rites are so central to Hindu faith, we take them for granted. We may attend a thousand before we ask ourselves, “Why does this ancient ritual impact me so much?” Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s  Publisher’s Desk editorial explores the mystical elements and knowledge essential for creating a meaningful and powerful temple puja.
Our 16-page Insight will be a tool for every Hindu home with kids. Called “Raising Children As Good Hindus,” it goes into the multi-dimensional aspects of modern-day rearing of the next generation. It’s not a trivial task, and there is need for direction and foundational strategies. What do we teach them? How does the culture of the home mold their attitudes and nature? Check it out.

Our editors are innovating during the pandemic. We have begun a writers’ internship for teens and pre-teens. This issue brings you the first four stories from our journalists-to-be. You will be amazed at how articulate these writers are. Each gives a rare look into young Hindu life in the US, and  stresses the place of faith in the writer’s life. Look for more in the issues ahead. These kids are going places. 

Most of our readers will have heard of  Gita Press, or perhaps bought a religious text at one of their ubiquitous stalls in India. This major article explores the company’s amazing mission and history—it will be 100 years old in 2023. This venerable press  has printed more than 700 million books, including 141 million copies of the Bhagavad Gita. Using the most advanced technologies in the world, they continue to bring exclusively spiritual knowledge to seekers. 

Other articles in this issue include an editorial on sadhana and meditation; why Hindu names are important; women in jail finding solace in chanting Sanskrit mantrams; the popular Quotes & Quips section, with humor, cartoons and sagely sayings; Global Dharma, with mini-stories from around the world; and Digital Dharma, with updated information about HAMSA, the Himalayan Academy Museum of Spiritual Art.  It’s a rich issue, with something for everyone.

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Youth are the future, so our intrepid journalist Nikki Thapa tracked down Nepal’s 20-somethings and grilled them about their views on life, religion and culture. Their responses are revealing—and, dare we say, a bit promising.

Covid-19 is on the minds of every household in every nation on Earth. We asked our writer in Colorado to survey the ways Hindu groups in America are responding. He writes of the extensive volunteerism that is manifesting as Hindu reach-out to the needy in communities around the nation.

Food—who doesn’t love it? Who can live without it? In this issue we share a poetic survey of rice, its history and amazing diversity, and we go into Lakshmi Sridharan’s kitchen to discover the wonders of coriander, that versatile spice that adds taste and health to any menu.

Temple rites are so central to Hindu faith, we take them for granted. We may attend a thousand before we ask ourselves, “Why does this ancient ritual impact me so much?” Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s  Publisher’s Desk editorial explores the mystical elements and knowledge essential for creating a meaningful and powerful temple puja.
Our 16-page Insight will be a tool for every Hindu home with kids. Called “Raising Children As Good Hindus,” it goes into the multi-dimensional aspects of modern-day rearing of the next generation. It’s not a trivial task, and there is need for direction and foundational strategies. What do we teach them? How does the culture of the home mold their attitudes and nature? Check it out.

Our editors are innovating during the pandemic. We have begun a writers’ internship for teens and pre-teens. This issue brings you the first four stories from our journalists-to-be. You will be amazed at how articulate these writers are. Each gives a rare look into young Hindu life in the US, and  stresses the place of faith in the writer’s life. Look for more in the issues ahead. These kids are going places. 

Most of our readers will have heard of  Gita Press, or perhaps bought a religious text at one of their ubiquitous stalls in India. This major article explores the company’s amazing mission and history—it will be 100 years old in 2023. This venerable press  has printed more than 700 million books, including 141 million copies of the Bhagavad Gita. Using the most advanced technologies in the world, they continue to bring exclusively spiritual knowledge to seekers. 

Other articles in this issue include an editorial on sadhana and meditation; why Hindu names are important; women in jail finding solace in chanting Sanskrit mantrams; the popular Quotes & Quips section, with humor, cartoons and sagely sayings; Global Dharma, with mini-stories from around the world; and Digital Dharma, with updated information about HAMSA, the Himalayan Academy Museum of Spiritual Art.  It’s a rich issue, with something for everyone.

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