Discover the enchanting world of Lord Ganesha, the ancient God of success, art, science, culture, and society, revered worldwide. In “Loving Ganesha,” delve into the captivating realm of this beloved deity, embraced by Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese religious cultures. This comprehensive book immerses you in Ganesha’s cosmic essence through children’s prayers, mantras, pujas, symbols, metaphysics, soul qualities, Aum science, Lord of karma, and delightful recipes. With its rich illustrations and indexed content, this treasure trove becomes the ultimate guide to Ganesha and Hinduism. Acclaimed by Library Journal as a comprehensive source and hailed by NAPRA Review as an affectionate tribute, “Loving Ganesha” is a 484-page hardcover masterpiece, beautifully illustrated in color. Explore the depths of Ganesha’s wisdom and spirituality today.
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