“Tools for Teen Transformation” presents ten practical Hindu methods to address real-life challenges, ranging from ancient practices like temple worship to modern techniques like Ganga Sadhana and affirmations. Through these tools, teenagers can navigate life’s trials and align with Hindu dharma. Aimed at youth ages 10-16.
For Kids, Kids
Life Skills for Hindu Teens
+ Free ShippingHinduism is first and foremost a practical religion, offering workable methods to solve reallife problems. Ten such tools as taught by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami are presented in this book. Some are ancient, including breath control and temple worship, and others modern, such as Ganga Sadhana to relieve emotional distress and affirmations to change the subconscious mind. The ten stories in this book show how these tools are used to address difficult situations faced by modern-day teenagers. Through personal effort and religious devotion, youth can face life’s trials and troubles, aligning with Hindu dharma. The book is for youth ages 10-16.
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